If I am to keep on running on this little oblong of synthetic black stuff, I realise that I’m going to have to report something more interesting than ‘ran again’ to hold your attention. I will have a think about this.
Today I was interested to see that my heart rate seemed to be a little lower than before, so I focussed around this. My intervals were 6mph for 400m and then 8mph and 9mph for 200m each… for most of the half hour session. Towards the end I raised the bar a little, but kept the recovery stage the same.
To start with I was getting my heart rate back under 140 from a 170 high, but towards the end it had raised at both ends to 150/180.
What was interesting was that, although still dripping with sweat, I felt really composed, like I had hardly stretched myself… although in 30 minutes I covered 3.5 miles, so 7mph… faster than this time last week when I could hardly stand afterwards. This suggests that the intervals are WELL worth doing!
Of course it’s been easy the last couple of weeks as I’ve been developing a workshop, so the workload has been flexible… it’ll be interesting to see whether I’ll be able to keep the training up in the same way when normal service resumes.
Hang on a minute… what’s all this normal service lark? I’ve not done anything that most people would consider normal, work-wise, for several years now!