I appear to have taken two weeks off running since running with Phil. This started when I inadvertently managed to poison myself, probably with some blue cream-cheese, resulting in me being horizontal for 36 hours and effectively out of action for a good week. Hence me not making it to a couple of the more boozy Christmas events which I was looking forward to.
And then there was the snow. This is a poor excuse, as Cliff managed to run for a couple of hours in it yesterday, but someone had to take photos from the warmth of inside. Here are a few of the resultant images:
And then last night there was a fab gathering at Clive & Nat’s where my photographic skills left much more to be desired, but great fun was had by all. We’ve not had a 2am night for an age, but if there’s anything guaranteed to put your head straight, it’s an evening like that! Thanks guys!