Hard work

Rather than down an energy drink ahead of my run this morning, I opted for half a banana and a handful of almonds.  Whilst probably more healthy, this combo did not have the same effect as the orange drink last week… every step of my run was hard work.

Is that really the effect of just one glass of wine last night?

Either way, with power reserves allocated to running, there weren’t a lot of interesting thoughts going on upstairs, or at least nothing that my famously fickle memory is allowing me to recall!

With dark clouds threatening rain as I got ready, I did think about wearing an additional layer, or even a hat, but in the event it was warm enough that I would have happily taken my t-shirt off and I was relieved that I had nothing else to worry about!


I took the same route as last week and then threw in the additional loop out to Hundred Acre Lane as per this April run.


Looking at the top of my left shoe, it’s clear that it’s about time for a visit to Kurt at RUN.  I’ve noticed the same wear indicator with a number of earlier pairs… once the splodge has been extinguished and the shoe is past its replacement date, my toe starts to make a bid for freedom!

To be fair though, this pair started out on the TMB two years ago and by all accounts they are well & truly knackered.

As am I right now!  The sofa calls, despite having run only 6.2 miles in one hour.  I hope that my new shoes come with fresh supplies of energy… or I’ll be forced to drink the Beet juice drink that I’ve been avoiding!