I met Daren upstairs (aka Jack & Jill) this morning and we went for a bimble around our normal circuit. He assured me that I wouldn’t need a second layer and though it seemed sufficiently chilly that I took one with me just in case, in the event it was definitely surplus to requirement.
Our ‘normal’ route, for casual readers, involves dropping down the South Downs Way into Pyecombe, running up Wolstonbury Hill, sliding (at least in the winter) down and up and down to Clayton (aka downstairs), chatting along the base of the Downs, gasping up the tank tracks and finally ambling back down to Jack & Jill.
Its a really special 6.25 mile circuit and we dispatched it today in 1.15… an average of 5 mph. This is a pretty good average bearing in mind the significant up-hills involved!