Hilly loop with Daren

Sharp-eyed readers may have instantly spotted from the title that I didn’t manage to get out for any more practice runs before I attempted a challenging hill run.

In my defence, it has only been 10 days and most of those have been rather painful.  On the day after my last run I casually leaned down into the fridge (to get the OJ) and tweaked my back, which elicited some (probably quite shocking) screams.  This led to a week of moving carefully (certainly no HIT exercises) and stretching gently, followed by a session with Paul Harmes, osteopath extraordinaire and I am now well on the way to full recovery.

Just as well, because I had already agreed to meet Daren on Monday morning for a run.

It was a glorious day, albeit with a chilly edge and as we set off, up the hill, the run seemed like a really bad idea.  Fortunately the uphill stretch is short and we were soon relaxing into a pleasant downhill lollop… more a ‘conversation on the move’ than a run.

Paraphrasing Nietzsche, you can have as many downhills as you are willing to endure uphills and our next uphill took us from Pyecombe all the way to the top of Wolstonbury Hill.

Given my recent musings about fitness, it’s interesting to consider that over the last four years our times on one stretch of this hill have varied from 8 minutes 5 seconds to 11 minutes 22 seconds, with the slowest being our recent January run (second slowest was our February run).  The HIT exercises must have made some difference because our time was 9 minutes 7 seconds, although I was a little pooped when we got to the top.

The next uphill was at the bottom of Wolstonbury: it’s a really sharp slope with a mix of steps and (often slippery) path.  I can confirm that Daren ran gently the whole way, although, whilst I also micro-ran on the path, I chose to walk up the tricky steps.

That just left another downhill and then a long jog along the bottom of the Downs to the foot of my nemesis, the Tank Tracks, the final uphill that beat me in January and February.  Hill running requires a mix of cognitive strength, good leg muscles and good lungs, all of which seemed to desert me in these two runs.

We agreed that Daren would simply keep going (he’s a lot fitter than I am at the moment) and that I would follow along in my own time.  He inexorably pulled ahead, but I simply kept putting one foot in front of the other… at least until I dropped my bottle cap, which caused me to stop.  I caught my breath for a minute or so, then continued running slowly to the top.  Success 🙂

Over the last four years the times on this stretch have varied from 10 minutes 37 seconds to 14 minutes 45 seconds (again, the latter was in January, with the second slowest in February) so my time of 12 minutes 49 seconds was at least a step in the right direction… and Daren must have easily beaten this by 60 to 90 seconds.

Sitting here I’m reflecting that in 2009, when I was super-fit, it once took me more than 15 minutes to reach the top… you might enjoy reading the reason for that in the archives at http://www.fosterruns.com/2009/07/the-blighty-grouse-grind/

The reward for our final challenging uphill was a long gentle downhill back to the cars and a final time of one hour 18 minutes for our hilly 6 mile run.

Good Friday to get out for a run

So, two months have passed and it’s April already. In fact it’s Easter and the weather outside is glorious! As I sat in the teahouse this morning with my quadspresso, a crazy thought kept returning to my mind… maybe I should check whether I’m ready to run with Daren… by going for a short run?

I had a few problems finding shorts & t-shirt in my kit-drawer, as they were hidden below all the cold-weather gear, but I eventually managed to get out the door wearing something appropriate for the day.

It was only a short run out to Ditchling Common & back but it was lovely to be out… it really was gorgeous out there!

Sadly, where once half of this journey would have been in open countryside, now there are rabbit-hutch houses almost right up to the common. Architectural merit = nil. Solar panels = nil. The number of deep dykes with emergency flotation devices suggest that this land is not ideal for building, whilst the houses themselves are jammed in with only one clear aim… maximise profit for the housebuilder.

These thoughts were a useful distraction from the other things going on in my head, such as: OMG why is this such hard work! It’s not that I have done no exercise in the intervening two months, but I have certainly not run anywhere. Exercise has consisted of gardening (much more focus on upper-body strength) and a series of short HIT exercises… 16 in total spread across the time.

The HIT exercises had given me the impression that my cardio fitness was improving… they were at least slowly becoming easier to do and to recover from. However, it is clear that to be able to run, I actually need to run.

So, I ended up dispatching a massively ambitious 2.4 miles in 23 minutes… average 6.25 mph… which is not so bad for a first gentle run. Now all I need to do is to get back out there a few more times before we next run the hilly loop. Watch this space… maybe on Faster Monday 🙂