The dry weather decided to break as I was doing my yoga this morning and by the time I walked out to the teahouse with a coffee there was a very gentle pattering of rain on the roof… slightly louder, though still gentle, as I drank a second cup.
I had been fearing a more significant downpour, which might have just bounced & run off the parched ground, but this gentle watering was perfect.
I had already planned to go running this morning and this was a great opportunity to remind my ageing runners (and me) what it’s like to be wet. Which reminds me, I really must go to RUN to get some new runners… it’s been so long that Kurt might no longer recognise me 🙁
The sky darkened as I prepared to go out, but the rain was still gentle… it got heavier as a ran further, and I was definitely wet by the time I got back, but it was never uncomfortable.
I wasn’t the only person out enjoying the precipitation as I passed another runner twice during my run, clearly revelling in the rain, and even the walkers I passed seemed in an extra-friendly mood, calling out to say good morning.
Just over two miles in just under 20 minutes… nothing outrageous, but I’m really happy to have been able to keep my feet in the game.
While I was writing it started raining more forcibly, with dark clouds and a few nice claps of thunder to accentuate the point, but the sky is lightening again now and the garden seems to be happy soaking up every drop that comes its way 🙂