I had put the running machine down, ready for a run this morning, but I woke up super-early to a beautiful sunny day. It was chilly enough for longs and a long-sleeved top, but I only had shorts and t-shirt to hand so I went with that… albeit with hat & gloves!
It was lovely being outside, though there was a point on the hill where I had a slight memory lapse… I didn’t remember it being quite that steep (it’s not!).
The return leg was at that same 9.35 pace that I keep seeing on this stretch, but I must have got up the hill faster than normal (including that steep bit!) because the overall time for the almost 2-mile circuit was 19 minutes & 9 seconds, faster than I’ve completed it in months.
There’s already pervasive cloud cover across the sky so it seems that I really made the most of the sun this morning 🙂