I feel sure that you know the kind of night that I woke up from… one where your mind has been whirring clunkily and your body seems incapable of settling into a comfortable position… it has become a regular occurrence for me, and almost always on a Monday night.
It’s little comfort that the person who provokes this regular storm in my mind is probably also having a sleepless night. I think that we’re both good at our jobs (although on a Monday night I generally end up reasoning that I’m really not), but we somehow find it impossible to work constructively together… and trust me, it’s not for the want of trying over the last year and a half.
If you are experiencing something analogous to this in your own life, then I send you positive vibes 🙂 Most times it’s worth pushing through the pain in order to find a solution, and we generally grow as humans through the process, irrespective of the outcome.
However, sometimes we need to know when to move on… as the running machine keeps subtly telling me.
My work is about crafting solutions to human problems, so it’s doubly frustrating that I can’t solve my own challenge, but what keeps me going is the belief that relief is just around the corner.
I took a run on the machine this morning (under duress, from the perspective of mind and body) with the aim of getting to that mythical corner a little faster. Of course, you will immediately spot the irony here, given that I’m effectively running on the spot, and thus going nowhere!
Happy running… and keep pushing on through the pain 🙂