Happy New Year 🙂
Getting back to running outside has been a while in the coming… and the New Year seemed too good an opportunity to miss to make it happen. I had done some yoga and then played guitar whilst supping my quadspresso and saw my slim chance to run before we got into breakfast.
It was a deliberately short pavement run and somewhat uneventful as a result. However, it was interesting that people were greeting me with ‘Good Morning’ rather than ‘Happy New Year’, which possibly hints at a general mood of resigned normality… it’s just another day in this locked-down world.
The weather was flat grey with no wind and a temperature hanging around zero, and though I ran just 2 miles in 20 minutes (pretty much the same as my last run on the machine) I had an ice-cream-head by the time I got back. After a lukewarm shower (with freezing cold water on my legs at the end) and some breakfast, I was starting to feel like myself again.
First run of the year, tick. Outside, tick. Cobwebs cleared, tick. Good start Foster 🙂