So far this week we have seen three very interesting movies: Synecdoche, New York and 500 Days of Summer thanks to Karen and Avatar thanks to Jason. Synecdoche was supremely hard work to trawl through, but highly rewarding in that the point is worth getting, even if, as in my case, it was right at the end! 500 Days of Summer, which could easily have been a trite chick-flick but thankfully wasn’t, also had some worthwhile points to make and in a surprisingly similar vein.
Meanwhile, Avatar… well if you are not at all bothered about seeing this, as was I, you should just go see for yourself. It was not at all what I expected and aside from this… well let’s just say that the days of 2D films must surely be numbered.
I did manage to get my planned longer run in yesterday and it was reassuring to see progress in at least some areas since the same time last month, not least that whilst both days had snow on the ground, it’s at least a lot thinner this month!
January 10th: 10 miles in 82 minutes, heart rate sub 175, slight post-run staggering, upstairs bathroom in progress.
February 10th: 10 miles in 79.35, heart rate sub 170, scant post-run staggering, bathroom complete.
The increase in speed was due to 1) not waiting 800m to increase the speed to 7.5mph and 2) running a slight negative split by increasing the speed to 7.6 for the second 5 miles. 40.11/39.25. The decrease in heart-rate is the exciting thing for me as this seems a better indicator of fitness.
As to the bathroom, where once it was Orange:

Now it just is: