I was quite relaxed about going out this morning (as in not under duress) but in my chilled state it took me almost until the afternoon to get out. I finally closed the door behind me with fifteen minutes to spare.
I half thought I would run last week’s circuit in reverse… but you know how it is with me. I ran out along Folders Lane, saying good morning to Eiddwyn, who was walking her dog… I could have easily run past without disturbing her, but I just love saying her name.
Rather than run across the common road, I ducked into the country park and thus had the treat of seeing the pond for a change.

From there I ran down Spatham Lane and turned right at the other end to run into Ditchling. Here I briefly caught up with another runner who looked as if he had been up on the Downs and, being slightly jealous, I turned left at Sporting Cars of Brighton and ran up to Underhill Lane, en route stopping to chat to a lovely lady who was working hard moving her woodpile to its winter quarters nearer the house.
It was once on Underhill Lane that, despite having my longs on, plus two layers on top, gloves and hat, I felt chilly enough to put my jacket over the top. It was not icy cold or anything, but this additional layer made me feel much more comfortable in the chilly wind.
I crossed over the Beacon Road and continued to the bottom of the Burnhill Bostal, where I found this not so good advert for Jewson… you could call it jewson lazy!

The majority of law-abiding subjects of this United Kingdom have to endure more and more onerous legislation designed to stop a tiny few people doing stuff like this… I expect they were really pleased with themselves for having saved a few quid at the tip.
I ran up the Bostal, noting that although I don’t seem to be getting any faster generally, it does appear to be getting easier to run up steep hills! At the top I didn’t even pause before running on down to Jack & Jill.
Okay, that’s not strictly true, otherwise these shots from various points down the hill wouldn’t be on my camera, but I paused to take them (mainly to show that the sun was shining in lots of places apart from where I was!) rather than for a breather.

I dropped directly down from Jack & Jill to Clayton, nestling below and then, reaching the road again, realised why the direction of my circuit was so fortuitous today… it was the old crocks rally.
No, not as Kim assumed I meant, the old Crocs rally (see previous post).

I ran pretty much from Clayton to Leylands Road in Burgess Hill with a grin affixed to my face (and my mind was working overtime too, which will be apparent when you read the next blog post on my other site), sharing vicariously the spirit of adventure of the drivers and the designers of these early automobiles. I paused only briefly, half way along, to bubble out my enthusiasm to a lovely couple standing watching the proceedings.
Turning onto Leylands Road and still more than a mile from home, I suddenly felt tired and with no external stimuli to sustain me, the last drag along to, and up Junction Road was harder work than it should have been.
However, the end was eventually reached and I felt pretty good once I had stopped & had a shower. Must be getting more resilient!
13.6 miles in 2.24, 5.67mph.